About this deal
Time for fun!! Night Adventures are walking photo shoots taken at dusk/evening. Totally personalized. There is no preset for locations or design. Grab your friends, a romantic date, family. Be yourselves or dress up in old clothing or costume. Hit historic locations or beautiful charm spots or spooky areas of town. Be dramatic, silly, adventurous, ghostly, formal, casual . . .whatever you choose. The Adventures are up to 90 minutes in historic downtown St Augustine with a Pixels device designed for picture taking. You will receive up to 25 digital images delivered to you electronically (they need to be processed and edited). More for extra fee. Please keep in mind: these are captured on a special night device, however there are still limits and it has been discovered not everything or every way we wish to capture something can work. As a mobile walking activity, it is not done with heavy lighting (although some extra) so be aware: we work with what we can at any given spot.