
Travel deals in West Palm Beach
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Half Day Waiheke Wine Tour

US $382.24
Viator, a Tripadvisor company
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About this deal

Catch the 9 am ferry from Auckland City to arrive on Waiheke just a short 35 minutes later. We will pick you up from the ferry at Matiatia wharf where our Magic Tour begins.Scenic drive along Oneroa bay via Delamore Lodge to the town art centre and shops making our way to Palm beach look out point via little Oneroa beach our 1st stop for photo opportunity followed by a short walk to the beach make our way to Casita Miro for our 1st wine tasting followed by a dramatic entrance to the best beach on the island Onetangi beach our 2nd photo opportunity stop, followed by Olive oil tasting at Rangihoua Estate onward to Mudbrick for 2nd wine tasting followed by lunch (Not included) finally we drop you for the 2pm ferry .The choice of wineries may change due to availability on the day and ferry fare not included.

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