
PC Beach Shell Island Express Ferries


Let our large Express Ferry take your family from the Grand Lagoon (don‚Äôt forget to check out the nesting osprey‚Äôs on the way), through St. Andrew‚Äôs Bay over to the dock at legendary Spanish Shanty Cove on Shell Island.  This 7-1/2 mile long, 1/2 mile wide stretch of sand is a barrier island sitting at the mouth of St. Andrew‚Äôs Bay.  Written records of early Spanish expeditions reported sightings of ‚Äútall‚Äù Indians living in lodges thatched with palm trees along many magnificent harbors and deep pockets customary to this area.  The Spanish explorers built several forts and outposts along the Gulf Coast‚Ķ was in a sheltered shallow-water cove on Shell Island, still known as Spanish Shanty Cove.

Quick facts

5551 N. Lagoon Dr